The newly built complex of 12 unique apartments in Jurata is an ideal location for those who appreciate a high standard of relaxation close to nature.

Apartments are located in the centre of the Hel Peninsula, ensuring access to clean beaches from both sides of the Baltic Sea and the Bay of Gdansk.

Deck Jurata

Each apartment has been designed individually, ensuring maximum comfort and practical arrangement of rooms. All apartments have a kitchenette, functional bathroom, as well as a day and night zone.

The south-west facing panoramic windows of the apartments, blurring the boundaries between the interior and exterior, allow you to enjoy the advantages of the location regardless of the prevailing weather. The apartments' sprawling terraces and balconies provide guests with a sense of privacy and offer additional relaxation space with garden views.

A characteristic feature of the building is the large terrace, which is situated in a sunny and sheltered-from-the-wind location.




Miejscowość swą sławę zawdzięcza latom 30 tym XX w., kiedy to polscy przemysłowcy i arystokraci założyli w tym miejscu uzdrowisko. Jurata szybko stała się najnowocześniejszym kurortem w Polsce o którym mówiono wtedy „ polskie Palm Beach”.  




Nasz obiekt „Deck Jurata” położony jest w spokojnej, cichej części Juraty przy  ulicy Ratibora 47 na skrzyżowniu z ulicą Świętopełka. 





We offer our guests three standards of apartments:

2-person apartments Ideal for singles and couples.

2-4 persons apartments This apartment allows a family of four to spend a comfortable holiday.

Family 4-person apartments This Apartment offers relaxed, comfortable conditions and privacy.